UPDATE (Oct. 2017): The information below relates to draft versions of these documents that are now outdated. For the latest versions, please see the appropriate tabs on our Policies and Publications page.
The public is invited to review and comment on MPHA’s 2018 draft MTW Plan and Operating Policies. The documents are available for review at our office (1001 Washington Ave. North, Minneapolis) or by downloading here in PDF format.
Executive Summary
Executive Summary (Somali)
Slide presentation
FULL FY 2018 DRAFT Moving to Work Plan
FY 2018 DRAFT Public Housing Statement of Policies (ACOP)
We will update this post with any subsequent updates or additions.
This year, MPHA has extended our comment period to provide ample time for comments to be received and reviewed. Written comments will be accepted through September 30, 2017. Submit them by mail to Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, ATTN: Mary Abrahamson, 1001 Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55401, or by e-mail to mabrahamson@mplspha.org.
Information and Comment Meetings for Public Housing Residents
MPHA has scheduled two “Advance Meetings” for public housing residents to share input on the drafts. The daytime meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on August 17 (complimentary lunch provided at noon); the evening meeting will be at 5:30 pm on August 22 (refreshments provided). Both meetings will be at the Cora McCorvey Center (1015 N 4th Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55405).
Information and Comment Meeting for Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Participants
This meeting to discuss the draft MTW Plan will be held at 5:30 pm on Monday, August 21, 2017. The location is the MPHA Administrative Offices at 1001 Washington Avenue North in Minneapolis, in the first floor board room.
Formal Public Hearing
The official public hearing on the MTW Plan will be held at MPHA’s regular monthly board meeting on September 27, 2017 (details here).
Board review and approval of the Statement of Policies will come up on the board agenda later in the fall.
Please note: This year the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan is undergoing a separate review process, following an independent timeline. A draft HCV Admin Plan and details of the public review process will be announced when appropriate.