Minneapolis, Hennepin County, State of Minnesota honor retiring MPHA leader Cora McCorvey
As Cora McCorvey prepares to retire as the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority’s Executive Director, officials at the city, county, and state levels are honoring her many years of service to low-income people in need of quality, affordable housing.
Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed January 26, 2017 “Cora McCorvey Day” in the State of Minnesota. “Through her 25-year tenure as Executive Director, Cora McCorvey has made a difference in the quality of life of tens of thousands of low-income individuals and families in the City of Minneapolis,” the proclamation reads, in-part. “Cora has demonstrated through her passion, values, and commitment, the qualities of outstanding public service which serve as a model to MPHA staff, residents, and others seeking to excel in service to the public.”
Ms. McCorvey will retire February 10, 2017 after 40 years working with public housing in Minneapolis. She has led MPHA since its independence from the city in 1991. Her successor is Greg Russ.
Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges declared January 26, 2017 to be “Cora McCorvey Day” in the City of Minneapolis. The proclamation cites MPHA’s transformation under Ms. McCorvey from a housing agency designated “troubled” by the federal government into a HUD-designated “High Performer” that is “one of the premier providers of quality, safe, decent, and affordable housing in the nation.”
At its meeting on February 7, 2017 the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners will also honor Ms. McCorvey with a resolution. “I have known Cora McCorvey for decades,” said Hennepin County Commissioner Linda Higgins. “Her career providing safe, affordable housing is stellar, and I hope her successor will do as well. Cora is an innovator, a professional, a trusted partner. She will be missed.”
On January 26, 2017 state and local officials will gather with nonprofit partners, MPHA employees, resident leaders, and other guests to officially dedicate the Cora McCorvey Health and Wellness Center (formerly known as the Heritage Park Health and Wellness Center) in North Minneapolis. The MPHA Board of Commissioners authorized the renaming of the Center, citing “the major accomplishments and significant achievements of MPHA under Cora McCorvey’s leadership.” The McCorvey Center is a first-of-its-kind campus featuring a YMCA, the Northpoint Clinic, and other partners focused on the wellness needs of low-income and other older adults.
Read the proclamation from Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (PDF)
Read the proclamation from Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges (PDF)
For more information, contact media@mplspha.org