Through the the spring of 2017, the City of Minneapolis, MPHA, and other stakeholders will be engaged in discussions about various ways the Housing Choice Voucher (i.e., “Section 8”) Program might evolve to best meet our common goals of choice, mobility, and maximum access for qualifying low-income families in Minneapolis.
The following PDF documents support these conversations:
Proposed Amendments – Minneapolis Civil Rights Ordinance 1.30.2017
Expanding Access to Housing Choice in Minneapolis (Quadel report)
(UPDATE: MPHA’s initial responses to these report findings)
Analysis of Potential Inspections Coordination Between MPHA and Minneapolis (report from Robert Half Management Resources)
(UPDATE: MPHA’s initial responses to these report findings)
Property Owner Incentive Fund Pilot Program (DRAFT)
MPHA presents these for community discussion purposes; our posting does not at this time apply endorsement of any specific recommendations.