NEWS RELEASE: October 18, 2017
The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA), Sustainable Resources Center, Inc. (SRC), and CenterPoint Energy are pleased to announce funding and a timeline for winter weatherization and energy efficiency improvements across all 28 buildings of the Glendale Townhomes.
Glendale is a public housing development of 184 family townhomes in the Prospect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. It was built in 1952, without modern design or materials ideal for Minnesota winters. In June, SRC weatherized an eight-townhome Glendale building as a pilot project—including wall and attic insulation, vent fans, and weather-stripping—at a cost of approximately $8,000 to $10,000 per unit.
“The pilot was a success in terms of what we learned, and the immediate improvements in comfort we were able to achieve for residents,” said Greg Russ, MPHA’s Executive Director. “Knowing that, we could push forward with SRC and CenterPoint Energy to find a way to extend the work to every home.” Financial support for the project comes from CenterPoint Energy’s Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Weatherization Assistance Program” (WAP), which is administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
Based upon the findings from the pilot, SRC anticipates weatherizing an additional 10 to 12 buildings by the end of the year, with the remainder in 2018. SRC provides free home energy upgrades to hundreds of income-eligible homeowners and renters in Hennepin County each year. The Glendale project alone will reach more than 600 people.
“We are proud to be a part of this project and partner with MPHA and SRC to make a positive difference for our neighbors,” said Todd Berreman, director of energy efficiency for CenterPoint Energy. “We look forward to completing the work in the remaining Glendale townhomes and providing a more pleasant and energy-efficient living environment for the residents of this community.”
SRC will conduct an energy audit of each building, identifying priorities for each unit. Along with insulation and ventilation, enhancements could include cleaning, repair, or replacement of furnaces or water heaters, and installation of energy-efficient light bulbs.
The three partners are grateful to Minneapolis Ward 2 City Council Member Cam Gordon for helping them bridge the unique hurdles posed by this large-scale project.
“Glendale has provided home and community for low-income families for 65 years, and we intend for it do so for the next 65,” said MPHA Executive Director Russ. “Even as we look to the long-term preservation of Glendale, this major investment from SRC and CenterPoint Energy will make a meaningful difference for families today.”
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MPHA-SRC-CenterPoint Glendale Full Weatherization News Release (PDF)
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