When does the eviction moratorium end? What will that mean?

There is a prohibition on evictions state-wide per order of the governor, pending further formal action by the Minnesota Legislature to modify or extend it.

  • The state moratorium suspends all evictions and tenancy terminations during the peacetime emergency, including non-payment of rent. (Eviction may still occur for certain other serious or repeated violations of the lease.)
  • It does not mean that rent is cancelled or forgiven. Missed payments are still due when the moratorium ends. However, there may be help available, and MPHA and many landlords in our voucher program want to help tenants maintain stability.
  • This story from MinnPost may be helpful in understanding Minnesota’s current order on evictions:

A national prohibition on renter evictions for non-payment of rent by the CDC now extends through June 30, 2021. However, this requires submitting an affidavit form and meeting certain conditions, including:

  • Make less than $99,000 (or $198,000 jointly)
  • Be unable to make full rent “due to substantial loss of household income, loss of compensable hours of work or wages, a lay-off, or extraordinary out-of-pocket medical expenses”
  • Be making an effort to make timely, partial rent payments
  • Have used your “best efforts” to seek out and apply for all available state or local rental assistance programs
  • Be at risk of homelessness or at risk of having to double up with others in cramped, close quarters if you were evicted

Learn more about the CDC Moratorium from this HUD flyer.

Think you might qualify? Download the required affidavit form here:


Where can I get assistance with late payments?

If you live in MPHA housing:a hand on a laptop computer

If you have a Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher:

If you do not live in subsidized housing or have a voucher:

  • Additional rental assistance may be available soon via the state and/or city, following passage of Emergency Rental Assistance by Congress at the end of 2020.

Benefits, Employment, Social, and Mental Support

  • Filling out formPublic housing high-rise residents should connect with your Volunteers of America social worker for one-on-one assistance. Talk to your property manager if you are not sure how to reach VOA.
  • Explore additional federal benefit programs: https://www.benefits.gov/
  • Feeling stress? Talk to a trained professional 24-7 to help cope with stress, through the COVID-CARES collaboration: https://www.mnpsychsoc.org/covid-care-support-services.html